Thursday, November 23, 2006

Send File !?!? 沒有困難 ~~~

Ha, I find the simple input is just a PDF file, so to check the programe is correct or not, just remain the output to .bin file..

Source Code Later !!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Download from You Tube

"View Page Source” and do a text search for


For example the internal prolonged video identification code may be:


Keep in mind that the code between “&t=” and “&s=” may be session-sensitive and changed every time the video is accessed.

To save the video, the URL path format is

Set the range of SQL result


如果在某項查詢結果中,我們想要的僅是其中一部份時,可以使用 LIMIT 來限制資料被讀取的筆數。

SELECT realname FROM student ORDER BY num LIMIT 0, 5

在此例中,LIMIT 後方的 0 代表「從第 0 筆資料開始」,5 表示「取出 5 筆資料」。