Sunday, August 11, 2013

Microsoft Office 2010 語言包

【檔案名稱】:Microsoft Office 2010 語言包
【下載載點】:對照你的office 2010版本按下方的連結下載。

Sunday, June 23, 2013

CASIO 計算機Mon下方那三根撥桿的各項功能

今日隨手拿起一部 CASIO 計算機 (DS-3L), 見Mon 下方有三根不知用途的撥桿, 看了那只有不到30行字的說名書之後, 只好Google 一下.........


一) F. CUT. UP. 5/4

F 應該就是Free,也就是計算出的小數點並未受到控制,全部顯示
CUT 無條件捨去法
UP 無條件進位法
5/4 四捨五入法 接著

二) 4.3 .2 .1. ADD2 

ADD2 則是固定小數位為二位

類似美元有角有分的貨幣計算,如US$9.99 該如何做呢?

 例如: ÷3=0.6666666666666 

a) 如果是調在F,就是如上顯示
b) 如果調在CUT以及4的話 答案會是:0.6666
c) 如果調在CUT以及2的話 答案會是:0.66
d) 如果調在UP以及4的話 答案會是:0.6667
e) 如果調在5/4以及4的話 答案是:0.6667

 三) GT-OFF ON 

故名思義是用來開關 GT 功能.
GT是個合計 (Accumulation) 的功能

例如: 6×6+8*8

按 6 X 6 = GT 8 X 8 = GT
之後 再按 GT 即可得出答案 100

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Google Glass SDK


睇左一回,glass的重點API,timeline, subscription 都是cloud interface。
map API 都只係gen個polyline係map之上。圖像processing能力更是。。。。。。
看來除非和android連動,否則自家製VR 之類的應用好難實現了。

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Powerpoint 2010 開不到 ppt, pptx file.

今天重裝了 Office 2010, 打開一個由客人SEND來的PPT.

 " powerpoint has found a problem with content in xxxx" Repair ???
按下了 repair,
跟手就 "there was an error accessing xxxx" 
叫個客再SEND一次啦. 結果都是開不了.
但個客都係講同之前係同一個 office create出來......

Solution 1:
  1. Start PowerPoint 2010. 
  2. On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click New Slide, and then click Reuse Slides. 
  3. In the Reuse Slides pane, click Open a PowerPoint File.
  4.  In the Browse dialog box, locate and then click the presentation file that contains the slide that you want, and then click Open.

個 solution works fine, 但下下都要reuse slides 好煩, 加上又唔係一個permanent solution, 唔合我性格, 只好之後再研究.

後來發現, 原來只係download落來的ppt先有事, 就好大機會是 Trust and Security 的問題了. Easy !
Here we come ~~

Solution 2:
  1.  Right-click on the PowerPoint filename and select Properties.
  2.  In the dialogue box that opens, click on the "Unblock" button. 
  3.  And press OK. 
  4. This will have 'unblocked' the presentation and now you'll be able to open it.

但總不可能次次都去 file properties 做一次unblock. 只好睇下 Powerpoint 入面同Trust and Security 的 setting.

Final Solution:

  1. start PowerPoint 2010. 
  2. on the File tab, click Options, then Trust Center, 
  3. then the Trust Center Settings button. 
  4. click Protected View and uncheck "Enable protected view for files originating from the Internet"
  5. click OK.

I Rest My Case.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

US Social Security number(SSN), 美國社會安全號碼

原來SSN 係有兩個version:

A) Before 25th June, 2011

B) After 25th June, 2011

所以要原全正確的分析一定還要有發出日期 (issue date).

今天先說說 A) issued before 25th June, 2011.



1) AAA 區域號碼(area number)是前三位數字, 通常是申請者指定的收件地址州份 或在1973年之前的核發該卡片的機構代碼. 目前,有效的社會安全號碼中,區域號碼不會超過社會安全局所指定的上限772

2) GG 群組號碼(group number)為中間的兩位數字。它們與地理區域或其他資料並沒有任何相關性,僅是為了將號碼平均分配所設計的。群組號碼的範圍從01至99,並不按照數字大小的順序發行。為了管理上的原因,群組號碼依照以下順序發行:


3) SSSS 序號(serial number)。它們僅代表數字上的序號,在群組內的範圍從0001至9999。

Validation Rules:

1) 一定是 格式 AAA-GG-SSSS , 11位長

2) 任何數字群組不得全為 「0」(000-##-####、##-00-####、###-##-0000)

3) 區域號碼 (AAA) 不能是 000, 666 或者900到999

4) June 25, 2011之前區域號碼 (AAA)不得超過772

5) 不能落在  987-65-4320 到 987-65-4329 中 (保留作為廣告宣傳使用)

6) 社會安全局發佈了與區域號碼對應的最大群組號碼列表。由於群組號碼是依照一定的順序發行,因此可以藉由無效的群組號碼來辨識不合法的社會安全號碼。

Regular Expressions:

a) 以 Rules 1) 為標準:


b) 以 Rules 1), 2), 3), 4) 為標準


至於 5), 6)  就只好自行寫Code 了.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Network Calculator Pro 4.0.1 for BlackBerry

Whats News:

Complete revamp UI for Blackberry L10 and Tablets !!!!


This app is specific designed to content the network engineers and students. This app provides real-time calculation and easy-to-use history lookup and copy-and-paste functionality to boost the working and learning efficiency.

The app supports the followings:

  0) CIDR Calculation
  1) Convert Decimal IP to Binary IP
  2) Convert Decimal IP to Hexadecimal IP
  3) Calculate the IP Lookup range
  4) Calculate subnet mask
  5) Calculate available IP address
  6) Support Both IPv4 and IPv6
  7) History for quick re-calculation
  8) Auto-completion
  9) CCNA learning
  10) helper for installing router
  11) multi-language interface including : English, Japanese, Chinese



Network Calculator Pro From BlackBerry AppWorld

Friday, March 29, 2013

跌 iPad screen 變紅, 自救DIY

有曰起身 ipad mon 帶左小小紅色noise, google 一下原來跌落地就有可能變紅,但冇啦啦跌落地?!? 只好拿去Apple shop 啦,但出門口前不死心再google下,比我見到驚人發現!!!


Holy crap !!!!

原來十幾二十年前修理電視機的方法仲可以修理ipad   :)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Candy crush Saga 81卡關玩不了, loading問題

前日玩candy crush 時開開心心完成了玩了多天的80關,正要向81關口進發時,,,,,,Er!!! Loading ?!! 等我reboot 先。 Loading ?!?! 換FB account 再入 Loading ............



Sunday, March 24, 2013

CHK vs FRE Build

download Microsoft software, service pack 時常會見到 有FRE 同 CHK之分.

其實 CHK 即係 Checked Build 又名 Debug Build.

FRE 即係 Free Build (Retail build)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

how to replace Activity.managedQuery

Since getActivity().managedQuery is UI Thread Blocking, it gets deprecated in API 15.
So.... how to get the cursor for SimpleCursorAdapter ?!?!?
You can replace the Cursor with CursorLoader, but a lot of work is needed...
Maybe Google should consider restructure SimpleCursorAdapter to meet the loader structure in the next release....

Friday, March 22, 2013

Candy Crush Saga Cheats: Infinity Life 無限心心 (修改時間取心 android, iphone, ipad,ios)

早日有同士事問 : "如何可以不問朋友的情況下可以增加心心"
一開始時立即想到遊戲修改大師, 但係之後10秒推翻左我要開GM 的小白想法.

1) 用完心心, 又唔想問朋友 (無朋友?!?!?!)

2) 選擇 "日期和時間"

3) 取消 "自動日期和時間" 如下圖
3) 選擇  "設定日期"
4) 日子, 月分 , 或者年分 期中一個加一.......我選擇修改月分 + 1

5) 入GAME 看看. 嘩, 5條命 !!!!!

6) 之後再進入SETTING  選擇 "自動日期和時間" 如下圖, 即可自動追回正確時間

7) Enjoy Your Game: SWEETIES

Friday, February 01, 2013

Java 8 Lambda

係香港 IT 通常看重  framework, application, 對 Programming Language evolve 的不是很多, 會用空檔時間看看多國IT 進展的人更小之又小小(我指pure technical news 唔係 andoid 又出5.0 iphone 個mon 又大左0.3" 之類的 3C 新聞). Anyway, 如無意外 Java 8 會有如C# closure 的 Lambda.
至於 Closure 和 Delegate 同 Lambda 有什麼不同呢?! 我記得之前 James Gosling 還在SUN 之時的一個 BLOG 有講過, 但現在好像 DELETE 了.
只好去 Neal Gafter 的舊Blog 看看了, 可惜 Neal Gafter 現在也是 M$ 的人了.

Java 8 Lambda:

Saturday, January 26, 2013

AdMob 中 AdView 在 Proguard 之下的 "Proguard returned with error code 1"

多手升級一下 App 中的 Proguard version 同 AdMob SDK 立即出了:

Proguard returned with error code 1. See console
Note: there were 160 duplicate class definitions.
Warning: can't find referenced class
Warning: can't find referenced class
You should check if you need to specify additional program jars.
Warning: there were 2 unresolved references to classes or interfaces.
 You may need to specify additional library jars (using '-libraryjars').

先在 Project -> Build Path -> Export 中手動加入了
又修改了一下 proguard-project.txt:

-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keep public class** {*;}
-libraryjars /libs/GoogleAdMobAdsSdk-6.2.1.jar

只好學一下AdView 中的example 加入一些

-dontpreverify -repackageclasses '
-optimizations !code/simplification/arithmetic

-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
public <init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int);

-keepclassmembers class * extends android.content.Context {
public void *(android.view.View);
public void *(android.view.MenuItem);

所以話AdMob 是 Google API 中最失敗的一個
次次要Update 都要花費一些時間.

This problem started with AdMob SDK 6.1.0 and 6.2.1 (for Android). To fix the error, add this to your proguard.cfg file:
中文是叫大家加下會的一句在 proguard.cfg:


Case Close.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hong Kong ID Formula (HKID Number Check Digit)


I found out form the Google Analystic that 1/8 of the visitors to this site is to the post HKID Calculation and 1/3 of the visitors are from Russia(!!!) and USA. So i decide to write that post in English for them.

HK ID number starts from Two English Letters plus 6 digits and end with a check digit in bracket
for example: AB987654(3)

Validate the HKID by the following steps:

1) Replace the leading English alphabet with numberic value following the rules below:

Space = 36  A = 10    B = 11   C = 12   D = 13  E = 14    F = 15

G = 16    H = 17   I = 18     J = 19   K = 20    L = 21M = 22    N = 23  O = 24   P = 25   Q = 26    R = 27S = 28    T = 29   U = 30   V = 31   W = 32   X = 33Y = 34     Z = 35

2) Weighted Total 
   A)If double english alphabet digit,e.g. AB987654(3):
           Total = 1st Digit x9 + 2nd Digit x8 + 3rd Digit x7 + 4th Digit x6 + 5th Digit x5 + 6th Digit x4 + 7th Digit x3 +8th Digit x2

   B) Else if single english alphabet digit,e.g. E364912(5):
           E364912(5) = (Space)E364912(5)
           Total = 36 x 9 + 1st Digit x8 + 2nd Digit x7 + 3rd Digit x6 + 4th Digit x5 + 5th Digit x4 + 6th Digit x3 + 7th Digit x2 

3) CheckDigit Calculation

Remaining= Total modulo 11 

a)Remaning = 0:
   CheckDigit = 0

b)Remaning = 1:
   CheckDigit = A

c)Remaning = [2-10]:
   CheckDigit = 11 - Remaining

(PS:E is equal to 14 according to step 1)

324 + 14x8 + 3x7 + 6x6 + 4x5 + 9x4 + 1x3 + 2x2 = 556

556 % 11 = 68

11 - 6 = 5

So E364912(5) is a Valid HKID