Saturday, January 27, 2007

Hafnium Vally ?

Intel and IBM announces a research result tothe use of alloy of hafnium to replace the silicon dioxide can makes Morrow's Law to be valid in the future.

New York Time

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Proxy + 代理猎手

我现在是proxy switcher 跟 代理猎手一起用,proxy switcher 有个功能是自动下载代理服务器网站的代理列表,找到后在全部拿到代理猎手上verify,看哪个连到gindis的比较快。。。具体操作嘛。。。。

proxy switcher
Actions-->Download Proxy Lists,等待几分钟,程序如果开始testing 那些代理的话你把他给stop掉,这时你应该可以在左边
NEW里看到一些刚刚下载的代理,点那个new的文件夹,全选右边的代理,然后File-->export to text file-->命名

System-->Change Option 出来一个option,按中间那个Verification Data Option tab, 选择下面的Add
URL:你要verify 的网址,, 这个填完后按旁边的get, 新窗口弹出再按get一次,这时你会在那个新窗口收到一些数据,随便copy 一下army commander 之类的当你的key word,然后按ok,接着回到你之前的Verification Data Option tab, 选择刚刚你才加的verification,然后按下面的use。这是为了以后测试你那些代理服务器连到这个网址后能不能在找到这个keyword,找到 的速度越快代表你的代理越快(当然可能连接gindis快的,连接论坛就慢了,有时根本不能连)

接下来去代理猎手主窗口,点Results-->import-->之前找到的代理,加完后点中间那个Result tab,按右边的verify all,等几分钟,good就是可以用的代理,你点Timing 可以从最快到最慢排序

回到proxy switcher
选择左边的proxyswitcher 文件夹,把刚刚那些good的代理加进去,剩下的就一个个试,看哪个速度快

Monday, January 15, 2007

Next Generation of Fortan -- Fortress

Sun released Fortress as a replacement of well know scientific purpose language -- Fortran.
Fortress is target on JVM 1.5.

The most natural different between it and Java is that it assume that a process should be run in parallel instead of single-threaded. It also means to target to high-performance computing area.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

iPhone come out from Jobs's packet

In today Macworld San Franciso 2007, Jobs took a new iPod from his packet !!!

Ohhhhhhh~~ wait that is not iPod !!!!

~~ iPhone ~~

The details released were:
  1. 3.5-inch widescreen display

  2. 2.0 Megapixel camer

  3. 8GB /4GB storage

  4. Bluetooth with EDR

  5. WiFi

  6. quadband GSM radio with EDGE.
7. It will be availiable in June for $499 for 4GB and $599 for 8GB
iPhone Offical Site