Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hong Kong ID Formula (HKID Number Check Digit)


I found out form the Google Analystic that 1/8 of the visitors to this site is to the post HKID Calculation and 1/3 of the visitors are from Russia(!!!) and USA. So i decide to write that post in English for them.

HK ID number starts from Two English Letters plus 6 digits and end with a check digit in bracket
for example: AB987654(3)

Validate the HKID by the following steps:

1) Replace the leading English alphabet with numberic value following the rules below:

Space = 36  A = 10    B = 11   C = 12   D = 13  E = 14    F = 15

G = 16    H = 17   I = 18     J = 19   K = 20    L = 21M = 22    N = 23  O = 24   P = 25   Q = 26    R = 27S = 28    T = 29   U = 30   V = 31   W = 32   X = 33Y = 34     Z = 35

2) Weighted Total 
   A)If double english alphabet digit,e.g. AB987654(3):
           Total = 1st Digit x9 + 2nd Digit x8 + 3rd Digit x7 + 4th Digit x6 + 5th Digit x5 + 6th Digit x4 + 7th Digit x3 +8th Digit x2

   B) Else if single english alphabet digit,e.g. E364912(5):
           E364912(5) = (Space)E364912(5)
           Total = 36 x 9 + 1st Digit x8 + 2nd Digit x7 + 3rd Digit x6 + 4th Digit x5 + 5th Digit x4 + 6th Digit x3 + 7th Digit x2 

3) CheckDigit Calculation

Remaining= Total modulo 11 

a)Remaning = 0:
   CheckDigit = 0

b)Remaning = 1:
   CheckDigit = A

c)Remaning = [2-10]:
   CheckDigit = 11 - Remaining

(PS:E is equal to 14 according to step 1)

324 + 14x8 + 3x7 + 6x6 + 4x5 + 9x4 + 1x3 + 2x2 = 556

556 % 11 = 68

11 - 6 = 5

So E364912(5) is a Valid HKID


testtesttest111 said...
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Francis Freeman said...
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Unknown said...

or we can:
(PS:A to 1, B to 2, C to 3, so E to 5)

5x8 + 3x7 + 6x6 + 4x5 + 9x4 + 1x3 + 2x2 = 160

160 % 11 = 6

11 - 6 = 5

So E364912(5) is a Valid HKID

Ken said...

HKD : E364912(5)

A to 1, so E to 5 ; Weight : 3,4,5,6,7,8,9

5*3 + 3 * 4 + 6* 5 + 4 *6 + 9 * 7 + 1 * 8 + 2 * 9
= 15 + 12 + 30 + 24 +63 +8 + 18 = 170

170% 11 = 5